Monday, April 24, 2017

Soups/ Salads

Soups and salads aren't something that I make often. I feel like I should incorporate salads more often in order to get my recommended vegetable intake for the day. I chose two salads, a regular garden salad and a strawberry salad. I also picked one soup to make, which is a copycat recipe of Panera's broccoli cheddar soup. Soups are something I want to work on more in the future, because they are easy to throw together and can be cooked during the day in a crock pot.

Strawberry Almond Salad 5/5
For my first salad, I decided to do a strawberry salad. I used spinach, almonds, raspberry vinaigrette, and fresh strawberries. This turned out pretty well. I liked the mixture of the fruity taste with the salad.

Garden Salad 4/5
For my second salad, I chose a regular garden salad. I used iceberg lettuce, cheddar cheese, boiled eggs, Italian dressing, and carrots. I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of this, but it was a pretty easy recipe. The only major thing I had to do was boil the eggs ahead of time. I feel like it's hard to go wrong with a basic salad, so this seemed to go over well with my family. Next time though, I will leave the toppings off of the salad, for people who don't like eggs or carrots on their salad.

Broccoli Cheddar Soup 3/5
For my broccoli soup, I followed a recipe on allrecipes. Click here to get the recipe. This soup wasn't a big hit. I'm not sure where I went wrong when making it, but it didn't seem to be a crowd favorite.

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