Sunday, April 9, 2017

Learning Space in the Classroom

How can space (“learning space”) encourage student engagement and learning?

     Learning space can absolutely encourage and also discourage engagement and learning. A good learning space can increase attention span and engagement while a bad learning space can do the opposite. Later, I will discuss how challenging traditional learning spaces can increase student learning.
     In her video, Holli Tonyan discusses "Campfires in Cyberspace". She talks about the four different areas that need to be in a space, whether it be in person or virtual instruction. The campfire is the first area, which is where storytelling (lecture) takes place. The second, the watering hole, is where the discussion occurs. Thirdly, there is the cave. In the cave, we encourage reflective learning done by students. Lastly, we have the mountain top, which is where students tell everyone what they know and also relate learning to the world. Overall, we need students to be able to listen and learn, discuss, reflect, and share their learning. These are the four needs that have to be met to encourage successful learning and retention of information.

What role can Google Apps for Education (GAFE) play in the development of learning spaces?

Google Apps for Education can help develop online learning spaces. The website, Google for Education, lists reasons why we should use GAFE. First off, it is a free resource. Secondly, you can use it on any device. It also allows for easy collaboration on documents and projects. Also, communicating is easy on this system. Personally, I like to use the google apps that the University of Akron provides for us. Using it for powerpoints, word documents, and worksheets is easy and free for me to use.

What assumptions should we challenge as we design learning spaces for the future?  
     We should challenge the traditional classroom assumptions when designing new learning spaces. As discussed in the video "Flexible Learning Environments", we need to focus on keeping students comfortable. By having movable chairs, carpets, comfortable places to sit, places to lie down, places to stand, and the ability to move around, the students are more engaged in what the teacher is saying. This video also encourages teachers to give up control when it comes to the traditional learning environment and let students take the lead on their learning process.
     The video "Project-based Learning at High Tech High" also challenges traditional stereotypes and thoughts. The head of this school shows the benefits of having smart classrooms with technology available in many different ways. The school has all glass windows instead of traditional walls. The school also incorporates students of all socioeconomic statuses and encourages all students to pursue further education past high school.
     The article, "Designing the 21st Century K-12 Classroom" lists six things that all classrooms should have. This list includes: desks and furniture that support collaboration, ample electrical outlets, a "smart" teacher lectern, lighting that is easy to control, physical space that goes outside of the classroom, and fewer expansive gathering areas. This list is pretty comprehensive and incorporates technology as well as group learning.

How does The University of Akron's campus currently approach the design and development of informal learning spaces?

     The University of Akron's campus is currently working towards designing and developing new informal learning spaces. The library is the learning "hub" for learning outside of the classroom. There are multiple computers, which include both Macs and PCs for people who have different preferences. There are also multiple meeting rooms that include projectors in order for students to have group study sessions and meetings. The library has a lot of outlets, including some built into the tables. There is a Starbucks with food and coffee which supports using the library as a meeting place. There are booths for comfort and more traditional chairs for easy mobility which support group work. I think that the University of Akron is doing well in supporting the use of technology in education.

How well do the informal learning spaces on UA campus align with your needs and expectations as a learner? 

     I would say overall, the informal learning spaces meet my needs and expectations pretty well. I have used meeting rooms for group study sessions, I like to use the student union sometimes when I want a more open environment with lots of people. I like going to the library because there are quiet areas upstairs that help me to focus. The only thing that I would say needs improved is the amount of computers in the library. I often use the computers and during the week, especially close to the end of the semester, there are no open computers. It can be frustrating when I can't get on a computer in order to do homework or study. Other than that, I really like The University of Akron's set-up.

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