Monday, April 24, 2017


Now onto the fun things to make! I love desserts, and cooking them was an enjoyable (although time consuming) process.  

Apple Crisp 4/5

I found my recipe for this on a website called Allrecipes. Click here to get the recipe that I followed. The biggest pain about this was peeling and cutting all of the apples. It doesn't look all that great, but it tasted delicious. You definitely have to add vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce to this dessert to finish it off. 

                               BEFORE COOKING                                 FINAL PRODUCT

Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies

I feel like homemade chocolate chip cookies are a staple to any bakers list of recipes. I wasn't a huge fan of how the cookies turned out, but it could have been because of my oven or because of my baking times. I like the website AllRecipes, and used it again. Click here to find the recipe I used and how to prepare the cookies.

Chocolate Fudge 4.5/5

Allrecipes proved to be an awesome source. You can search anything you want to make and it typically comes up with a recipe. For my fudge, you can click here to find the recipe. I didn't realize how simple fudge is to make! It was probably one of the easiest desserts that I've done.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries 5/5

All I did for these was melt chocolate and dip strawberries in it. I melted the chocolate at one minute intervals, for 4 minutes total. The major problem I came across was that I got water in the chocolate, which caused it to get lumpy. Be careful not to get any water in your melted chocolate and make sure the strawberries are completely dry before dipping them.

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