Sunday, March 19, 2017

Recipes for Appetizers

Hi all! I was hoping to get rocking and rolling on cooking up some appetizers last week; however, I had the flu. Not only did I not feel like cooking, I don't think anyone would want to eat anything I cooked. I did, however, make a list of appetizers to make and a list of ingredients needed.

My main source for recipes was Pinterest! If you've never used Pinterest before, I highly recommend it. You can save recipes, workouts, etc. on different boards for future use. I created a board specifically for this project in order to store potential recipes for future use.

The first recipe I found was for Loaded Deviled Eggs. Deviled eggs are something I've always wanted to learn to make, so I definitely wanted to include them in my project. The recipe can be found on the website link: SixSistersStuff.
My next recipe can be found on the Baking Fairy's page. I think queso is simple, but really tasty. It is always a hit a parties and I'm hoping to learn to make it.
Holly from Spendingwithpennies posted a recipe for honey garlic wings that I am really looking forward to trying. I know it sounds crazy, but I am a complete newbie to cooking! I've only ever used chicken breast, so cooking wings will be an adventure for me. I'm hoping that by using her recipe, I'll be able to cook some tasty wings for parties in the future.

My next recipe is for a taco pizza. This is a little heartier of an appetizer, but I think it would be good for potlucks, etc. I found the recipe on a website called Living Well Mom, and it promises to be a crowd pleaser!

Because I have quite a few friends who are vegetarian, I wanted to do something similar to the taco pizza, but with a vegetarian option. I found a recipe for a caprese flatbread on a website named Carrie's Experimental Kitchen, from a fellow blogger named Carrie. I'm excited to try this new recipe because it looks delicious!

I'm excited to start cooking this week! I'm hoping I feel better soon so I can start ASAP! Cheers to starting my learning experience!

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