Sunday, March 19, 2017

Lesson Paths: Cool Tool

     The tool that I've chosen for this week is Lesson Path.  Lesson Path can be used to upload videos, write articles, put links to other sites, and also to create pop quizzes for students. You can create a "learning playlist" for students. You can also find material that has been uploaded by other users for use in your classroom. Lesson Paths can be used for academic and also recreational purposes.
     Lesson Path could be used as an online learning tool for students. This tool could also be used to upload material that was covered in class so that students that were absent for the day can learn the material. I would use this tool in the classroom as a supplement to material covered during class. You can add a quiz to the end of the lesson to make sure students understand what was covered.
     Overall, I didn't like this tool. I found it complicated to create a lesson and I didn't like the set-up. I tried to create a learning playlist covering the planets in the solar system. I also created a pop quiz to go along with it. I would have preferred an in class activity or a different website to help students learn about the planets in the solar system, compared to the lesson that I created.
     However, I found some good lessons that others have created using Lesson Path that I liked a lot. I personally wouldn't use it to create lessons; however, I think that I may use it to find supplemental material to use in my classroom. I would like to find a different website with an easier set-up for my own use.
    I don't think that I would have students use this site to create their own digital media artifacts. As I said before, I found it difficult to use. I would have students use a blog or website format instead of using Lesson Paths. Although others may enjoy using Lesson Paths, I did not like the format of the website.

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