Sunday, March 5, 2017

How Can We Incorporate Online Tools in the Classroom (TPACK)

What is TPACK?

TPACK is a framework knowledge that is important for educators to use in the classroom. TPACK stands for technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge. The idea behind TPACK is that we need to use seamlessly incorporate online technologies into our lesson plans along with our content and pedagogical knowledge in order to best reach students. TPACK.ORG has a great definition of TPACK on their website:
     "Underlying truly meaningful and deeply skilled teaching with technology, TPACK is different from knowledge of all three concepts individually. Instead, TPACK is the basis of effective teaching with technology, requiring an understanding of the representation of concepts using technologies; pedagogical techniques that use technologies in constructive ways to teach content; knowledge of what makes concepts difficult or easy to learn and how technology can help redress some of the problems that students face; knowledge of students’ prior knowledge and theories of epistemology; and knowledge of how technologies can be used to build on existing knowledge to develop new epistemologies or strengthen old ones"

Questions to Consider Before Implementation

Before implementing, we have to ask ourselves a multitude of questions. The first is: What technology do I have available in my classroom? Some classrooms may be equipped with all of the newest technology while others may have only a computer and a white board. While we can still use technology in both of these situations, we will have to vary which types of technology that we use. The second question we must ask ourselves is: What type of framework will work best for the students I am working with? Each grade level and subject will need have the need for different types of technology. We have to figure out the best type for our specific grade level and subject. The next question we must ask before implementation is: Will students get a lot out of this technology? Although some technologies may be fun for students to use, we want to make sure that they are understanding concepts and learning from the technology we use. We don't want to just incorporate it into our classroom without direction. We want to transition well and be sure to incorporate all components of TPACK into our lessons.

Positives and Negatives to Introducing Tools in the Classroom

When used properly, the framework of TPACK has limitless opportunities to be used well in the classroom. Using TPACK can help keep students engaged and promote interest in different topics. Technology can be a wonderful thing in the classroom, especially when incorporated with the content knowledge of your subject and pedagogical knowledge. It is important to keep in mind that technology should be used as an aide to education, not in place of. Adding other activities, like those listed on The College Of William & Mary: School of Education's website, can help encourage students to stay engaged on the subject matter. Technology doesn't always cooperate. Sometimes the internet may be down, something may not work, or students don't have interest in the technology. When it comes to these problems, it is important to have a back up plan in place.

How to Choose Appropriate Technologies

Choosing the right technology for a lesson can be difficult. I think this is where having a PLN can become important. Seeing what other people have tried for different lessons may be beneficial. Also, I think it's important to trust your instincts with technology. If you think it may work well, give it a shot. Do your research and be well prepared when using the new technology. When we try something new, we can help others by writing about whether it worked or not. Keep in mind that what has worked for others, may not work for you. Also, things that have worked in the past, may not work now. The major goal of choosing online resources is to find items that will work for your particular group of students. The best technology will keep students interested and on task. Another important thing to keep in mind when choosing your technology is to make sure to combine content and pedagogy when using an online tool for technology.

My Personal Thoughts and Questions

TPACK is constantly evolving and updating. By introducing fresh, new technology into the classroom, we can keep kids interested in and excited about learning. I hope to be able to incorporate TPACK into my classroom. My major question to others is: How do I stay up-to-date on the constantly changing technology? I realize things like following others' twitters and blogs can help. What other ideas do you have to help an educator stay current on all of the technology out there. Do you think talking to students about new technologies that they are interested in can be beneficial to their learning process? Let me hear your thoughts on the matter. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any comments given.

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