Monday, May 1, 2017

Instructional Technology Infographic: Summary of Learning

I chose to use Piktochart as my instructional technology cool tool for my final summary. I chose this because it was one of the cool tools that I really liked. It's a great tool for presenting information in a way that is different than your typical powerpoint. It is also something I will have my students use in class, because it can be used for real world presentations.
I am coming out of instructional technology with a whole new view on technology. My room set-up will be different, because of this class. I will use technology often in my class, because it can help keep students interested and focused. I also hope to have one-to-one computers for my students so that I am able to have a blended classroom. I have learned about multiple tools to use in the classroom, such as those that can be used for formative assessment.
I will use formative assessment tools in my class to gauge learning during the learning process. I will also have students create infographics, and use many other tools. I will likely let them choose between a couple tools in order to allow them freedom of choice, but also still have a project based off of a topic. They will do this using tools like ebooks or comic strips. I also want students to blog about class (what they're learning and how they feel about the class) so that I can find any issues and correct them.
Technology really is the wave of the future and can be used to help increase students' interests and achievements in the classroom. I hope to make learning fun and interesting for my students, instead of the typical lecture classroom. Thanks to Dr. Savery for a great semester and thanks to my classmates for working with me during the learning process!